Thursday, September 25, 2008

my apologies

So, apparently either my email or my blog is not working. I never got the emails with your comments on my "name by ipod" blog! I am so, so sorry. Sarah aptly informed me about the error of my ways, and I humbly apologize. (PS- Sarah, I fixed your link :) Everyone read Sarah's blog!)

On a very different and exciting note... Amy Roloff is coming to UTC!!
Amy is the mom from the hit (at least in my mind) TLC show "Little People, Big World" about a family with 3 little people. Both the mom and the dad are little people and they have 4 kids. Jeremy and Zachary are twins- but Zachary is little like his parents. The other two kids are Molly and Jacob and they are both average sized. It is so sad that I am reciting all of this from memory and I'm totally hearing the opening credits as I go... Anyways, I had a great meeting this afternoon with Bryon from the Office of Students with Disabilities on campus and they are doing some awesome things. October is National Disabilities Awareness Month, but because of the family pumpkin patch, Amy won't be able to make it to town until November 6. 3:30. UC. Auditorium. Though it's the day before our campaign launch, and I'm sure I'm expected to be super busy then- I'll be there. Hopefully in the front row. I'm not much of a star-struck kind of person and unfortunately from what I've seen on the show Amy's not a fabulous public speaker, but I really respect their family (minus her total lack of cleanliness... sick).

1 comment:

Becca Rocha said...

Amy Roloff, huh? big news:) teehee.

miss you guys. we're gonna have to make up for lost weekend time next week.