Tuesday, September 23, 2008

unexpected blessings

*I began this post yesterday and then got called away to a meeting that kept me busy until I had to run out the door. So, consider this from Tuesday.

Two legitimate posts in one day- crazy! I am just in such a good mood that I had to share my afternoon with you all (well, at least the 5 of y'all that read this). One thing that has been discouraging about starting this new job (well, new almost 4 months ago) is that I came from a campus where I knew everyone and saw friendly, familiar faces every where I went. I know approx 3 undergraduate students at UTC and frankly, that isn't really enough to provide people I know everywhere I go- it's a big place. However, I just ran across campus and bumped into Aimee Long on the way there and Matt Bond on the way back (friends from camp)! Honestly, I didn't even really know that either of them were students at UTC, so I was extra surprised! It was such a boost to my afternoon to have a great chat with each of them, while standing on the sidewalk in the beautiful weather! Yeah! Thank you, God, for unexpected blessings!

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