Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things I've learned about myself in 2012

I hate waking up to a clean dishwasher that needs emptying.
I'm surprisingly agile while half asleep in the middle of the night.
I need my sleep, but don't do naps well.
I'm a homebody, but I love for people and kids to come to our house to hang out and play.
I hate talking on the phone, but I can be a texting machine.
I'm addicted to Instagram.
If there is candy in my house and I know about it, I WILL eat it until it is gone.
I have zero motivation to exercise if I'm satisfied with the numbers on the scale.
I hate loud noises. I ask David to turn the tv down about 3x a night.
I like to bake but don't love to cook.
I don't like to be out of town for more than 3 days at a time.
Mojo burrito $1 taco days are my besties. I could live off their queso.
I'm so, so forgetful. Examples: 1) One day in the car I called David, set my phone in my lap and totally forgot about it until I heard him screaming through the phone. 2) Steaming carrots on the stove... For an hour. 3) I can NEVER find my phone. Like, never.
I'm terribly insecure about being a good teacher to Crawford.
I need forgiveness and patience more than the average joe.
I hate not being with Crawford, so I haven't much. But, putting him in the church nursery is the best time away we can have every week.
I haven't gotten the same "need time to myself" or "need time away from my kid" itch that most of my friends get. I'm sure it will come, but for now I just want to be with my little fam all the time.
I have to check my pride a lot.
I'm terrible at words with friends
I love breast feeding my baby wayyyy more than I ever anticipated.
Donating breast milk is like giving blood, but almost cooler because I get to spend time with the most precious mom and baby girl who need it.
Poop makes me gag.
I desperately want to homeschool.
If I don't have plans to leave the house, or if the only time we will leave the house is to run errands, I will not put on real clothes or makeup. I do shower every day.
I keep a TIDY house 99.9% of the time, but it is only CLEAN about 60% of the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sooooo many of those are true for me too. i was just about to blog about some of the same things! i'll give you credit :)