Tuesday, January 15, 2013

[11 months]

One month:
Height- 20in,  Weight- 8 lbs. 9 oz.
Two months:
Height- 23in, Weight- 11 lbs.
Three months:
Height- 23.5ish in., Weight- 12 lbs.
Four months:
Height- 24 1/4 in. (25%), Weight- 12 lbs. 11 oz. (10%)
Five months:
Height- 25 in., Weight- 13 lbs. 10 oz.
Six months:
Height- 26 3/4 in. (64%), Weight- 15 lbs. 11 oz.  (19%)
Seven months:
Height- 27+ in.? Weight- 16 lbs. 11 oz.  
Eight months:
Height- 27ish inches, Weight- 17lbs, 7oz
Nine months:
Height- 27 inches, Weight- 17lbs. 12oz
Ten months:
Height- 28.5 inches, Weight- 19lbs 1oz

Eleven months:
Height- 29 inches
Weight- 20lbs.

Ha... yeah, that's breastmilk. Glad I got a picture of this finally because it has happened a ton of times.

Crawford, at 11 months old you:
  • say mama, ball, up, bee (which means light, basically...), berry, but your favorite is definitely "uh oh". You even use it correctly! When you drop or throw things (which is 7,453 times a day) you quickly say "uh oh!".
  • went to physical therapy one time. She was encouraging that you're fine, just kinda lazy :). Since that visit we've been working on lots of exercises to help you transition better, crawl on all fours (instead of the army crawl) and pull up. It is all working because you're doing 2/3. I'm not sure you'll ever crawl on all fours, but that's ok. You'll walk one day and it won't matter then.
  • attempt to repeat bath, berry, bird (yeah, "b" is your favorite sound) and duck
  • throw things - food, binkies, toys, balls - and retrieve balls
  • drink out of a straw
  • laugh at farts
  • swat people's faces away... aka, you slap people... aka, you can be a mean little bugger
  • understand "no", but don't obey. When you're crawling towards something you're not supposed to play with and I say "no", you look at me, then sprint towards whatever it is...
  • get into things you aren't supposed to (see above) like the dog food and water, router, all cords, the fireplace, grates on the floor
  • have stinky breath! You got that from your dad, for sure.
  • point to my nose and eyes while you're nursing
  • put things on your head and pull your hair
  • love to wave and dance
  • are obsessed with cars. When you hear one, you watch and wave the whole time.
  • have your first bruise - on your forehead. Not sure what it's from, but there's no telling.
  • are a blueberry-a-holic. You really do eat well - whatever we eat, but a little healthier :) - but your favorites are blueberries, meat, bread and green beans.
  • take an hour long nap in the morning and a two hour nap in the afternoon.
  • went on a nursing strike this month. It was torture. Thanks to my personal lactation consultant (Denise), we made it through without weaning, but it was hard work. And not fun.
  • take a bath with no extra apparatus. Just you (and a few rubber duckies and a few balls) in the bathtub. You think it is heaven.
  • play with Harley! This video is pretty short because I caught the tail end of you guys "sharing" a toy (and Harley was OVER it), but it's pretty awesome when y'all do this:
  • looooove balloons. 
  • can "give five", which is a little confusing since we're trying to teach you not to hit people's faces, but encourage you to hit hands. 
  • pull up on everything (finally!). I turn my back and you're on the stairs. Fortunately, we have a gate after the landing so you can't actually scale the flight of stairs.
  • love to close doors. It's a miracle you haven't pinched a finger yet.
  • do this thing with your lips. I can't explain it, but it is THE cutest thing you've done yet. This video actually has lots of good "Crawford-right-now" elements to it (the lip thing is at the end):
Man, you're adorable.


SarahKL said...

The dancing and the fingers thing are both hysterical!! What a cutie-patootie!

Ashley and Jeff said...

He is so precious, Emily!!!!! You are such a good Mommy :)