We came home from Columbus because David had to work Monday (and Wednesday through the rest of the week). Fortunately, he was able to bug out early most days, and work from home one day too. We got a lot of family time, which was so so nice.
We got up early on Christmas Eve to drive north. I dropped David off in Dalton to work a while, and Crawford and I went home to do laundry and get organized. David got home in time to make it to the 3pm service at church then we headed to the Bryants' for dinner. As if Crawford didn't get enough attention and loving with my family over the weekend, the Bryant/Hudson/Mosier/Skahan families poured it on. I can't say enough nice things about how these folks love us. They really treat us like we are a part of their family (we were the only non-blood family members there). Even all the kids - even the boys! - LOVED on Crawford. He was being fought over constantly. He ate it up. Literally. He ate Kaitlin's entire dinner.
Our sad attempts of a family picture...
This picture cracks me up... Poor Karen! Ha.

We finally changed C into his jammies with intentions to either put him down there or head home, but of course neither of those happened. He was a dream though. Seriously, it was hours past his bed time and he was a total joy.

And, he passed out (with the monkey he got for Christmas from the Bs) as soon as we pulled out of the driveway.
Christmas morning was anti-climatic because he didn't really get it. It was sweet to read the Christmas story together and slowly open the little pile of gifts we had. I realized how silly it was that I bothered to wrap C's gifts (rookie mistake).
favorite toy - practice golf balls! Thanks for the idea, Grandma Cathy!
food pouch from his stocking = he's obsessed
new magnet letters = also a hit
After having a lazy Christmas day (well, sort of lazy... we worked on a project that I'll post about later and I mopped the kitchen floor), we were going stir crazy. The Bryants were all home, so to get out of the house we headed back up to see what they got and say hi. Tons more phone pics of people loving on our kid... beware:
Another sad family picture attempt.
LOVE this. Dr. M playing peekaboo!
And again, changed into his pjs before we left, and he was zonked in the car. He is the sweetest little buddy we could ever ask for!
We definitely have some work to do on establishing our own family traditions, but it was a really precious time to just focus on God's goodness to us. All of a sudden, the birth of a baby boy makes so much more sense to me (duh), and makes the awe of Christmas that much greater. Thank you, Jesus!
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