Saturday, January 12, 2013

the progression of a playroom

You'll recall that David built a "man room" shortly after we moved into our house 4.5 years ago. It's crazy looking back on that post and remembering how different our lives were then than they are now. David was working and busting his way through grad school, but he still managed to build a pretty sweet addition to our house. Way to go, big D!

Anyway, the room has changed quite a bit over the last 4 years, but it has consistently housed a tv (which one has changed a few times), 2 bookshelves, 2 futons, 2 end tables, a coffee table and desk + computer, etc. After C was born we found that we hardly used it because we were just always in the family room downstairs. However, mobility has changed what we do with Crawford and we realized the "bonus" room would be better served as a play room for a while. 

We waited until we were passing through Atlanta to stop at Ikea and buy two Expedit shelves, so for a time we just had toys piled up along the wall, but it worked well then too. It's just so nice to have open space for  kiddos to play. Plus, it's nice to be able to close the door and clean up later.

toys piled against the wall

Playgroup craziness!

We sold the end tables, repurposed the coffee table to go between the futons, sold the scary-for-small-children metal and glass tv stand (replaced it with a coffee table that needed a home anyway) and bought 2 Ikea Expedit shelves.

voila! playroom!

Now, we still have plenty of extra sleeping space with the futons (plus lots of room for babies in pack and plays!) and lots of open floor space. We have ENTIRELY too many toys (thanks to my dear friend Sheri's generous hand-me-downs), so there is no shortage of stuff to play with. Of course, Crawford usually opts to crawl under the desk (which is still at the back of the room) to play with the router... oh well.

1 comment:

SarahKL said...

Looks awesome, Em!!