Friday, April 27, 2012

phone photo dump

*Beware... I take a lot of phone pictures!

play group friends: Pierson, Ella and Max

play group again: Ella, Ben, Stella, Pierson and Crawford the outcast (who needs more sitting up assistance than the big kids)

little grin

so funny... dressed like a little man. 

morning snuggle time

cracks me up! David calls his bed a paci farm (one in his mouth, one in the bed...) and he always sleeps with his knees flopped to the sides. Usually his legs are inside his swaddler, but he was hot.

meeting Trey and Bonnie White at a lacrosse game 

ha... notice Harley's tail!

family walk downtown

this kiddo loves bath time (and his paci!)

My grandma sent C some adorable bibs, burp cloths and a onesie. Apparently peckish means "somewhat hungry" or "rather irritable". 

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