Monday, April 2, 2012

I'm incapable of a decent blog post.

This swing is the #1 most used item in our house right now. Crawford loves it! 

David is trying to make him an athlete already (he knows he has to overcome my genes, so he's starting young)! And, we're full-swing in cloth diaper mode. I need to do a full post on that, but we're loving it so far.

My little buddy. This picture cracks me up... I'm a hot mess and Crawford is on the verge of a meltdown. Ha! Such is life :)

Since I can't organize my thoughts into any semblance of order, this hodgepodge kind of post is going to have to suffice until my brain regains full function. It's actually pretty frustrating that I feel like I only have about 75% capacity in there because I'm NOT sleep deprived. Not one bit. Other than a couple nights at the beginning, I haven't been sleep deprived. Thus, I feel like I have no excuses for my brain-fart-iness. Oh well.

Crawford continues to rock. He is the easiest baby ever. Last night he set a new sleep record= 8 hours, 10 minutes! He's a champ. We weighed him this weekend and he's 10.2 pounds! All that eating is paying off, little dude. 

The kid sleeps so well at night, but not so well during the day. I'm definitely not complaining though, because he's content when he's awake so it hardly matters. I know we need to get on some sort of daytime sleep schedule, but I'm not sure when to start that... any suggestions? Right now, he's taking a nap in his bed (the pack and play in our room), which is why I'm blogging to pass the time. This is only the second time I've done this, and it's killing me to be away from him... He usually naps on the couch or in his swing or (gasp) in my arms during the day, thus resulting in cat naps but never a solid sleep. He's going on an hour in his bed (and he is swaddled, I know that helps him too), so we'll see how much it screws up his perfect nighttime sleep :).

Friday night we got to hang out with my cousin Kim and her family for dinner, which was such a treat! Then David's grandparents spent the day with us yesterday (entire blog post with pictures to come)! We hung out with friends Saturday night, so we had an all around fun-filled weekend.

1 comment:

Danielle Snider said...

i love the full size basketball goal set up--- for your infant. so funny. i suppose you are right! david is starting him out young :) your blog is great and your little man is so precious!!