Monday, March 12, 2012

a day in the life

Crawford is a good sleeper. Last night was his best night yet- he slept for 7 hours and 15 minutes! Yep, he's 3.5 weeks old. I totally didn't expect this because he napped all day long, and he is generally awake a lot during the day. Unfortunately, I didn't get nearly as much sleep as he did because I was constantly expecting him to wake up, and I didn't want him to cry and wake my family (who visited for the weekend!) up. Oh, and I was so engorged I thought my boobs were going to explode.

Generally though, he sleeps for 3-4 hours (sometimes 5) and gets up once in the middle of the "night". We sometimes end up with a weird what-do-we-do-now time around 6am, but I generally decide we're just going to take a "nap" slash go back to sleep after feeding you then. It's kind of awesome to start the day around 9 or 10 sometimes!

So... whenever it is that we do finally get up and start our day, I usually flip on the tv (which I'm trying to do less of) and feed the babe. Crawford is a super fast eater, and it only takes about 10 minutes for him to eat a meal. He is usually his happiest right after eating, so I try to take advantage of that time to get the most pressing tasks for the day accomplished. I have a "to do" list for every day, but the same three things are always top priority:
1. shower
2. make the bed
3. pump

If I get those three things done every day, I at least feel like a human.

Mondays are laundry day, Thursdays and Sundays are baby-gets-a-bath days, and every other day is different. I try to have at least one "activity" each day, whether it is visiting with a friend or running an errand, it helps my sanity to have some structure. We've been heeding the pediatricians advice to keep Crawford at home for the first 6 weeks because of all the junk that goes around kids this time of year. I can't wait to go to church or Target or play group when he's big enough! I know with our subsequent children, we probably won't be this fastidious about it, but for now there's no reason to not abide.

I have been blown away by the Lord's goodness to provide so many sweet people to love on us during this time of transition. Crawford really is an awesome, easy baby, but it has been soooo nice to have different friends stop by to meet him and hang out - almost EVERY day. Seriously, I counted up two dozen different friends who have spent time with us during the week while David is at work. Not to mention all the friends who have brought us dinner!! Wow. We're so, so blessed!

amazing gift from Trey White!

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