Wednesday, March 21, 2012

weekend with the Bourkes

I hate that my blogging has become a once-a-week occurrence, but such is life right now. If I could blog from the iPad (which we just upgraded to the 3rd version so I can facetime!), I'd be all over it... Thus, this post is several weeks overdue! 

My brother planned to spend the beginning of his spring break in Chatt meeting his new nephew. So, of course, the rest of the family couldn't miss out on time with G AND Crawford! I was nervous about how it was going to go with a house full of people and an unpredictable baby, but it was really great. They all loved on and took care of C, while I got a bit of a break. I love that I don't mind sharing him since I know only I can feed him. Everyone was so sweet, and so in love with the newest addition to our family.


Pastor Brady said...

I miss you guys! Crawford looks like a stud!!! I can't wait to meet him. Ashley and I are hoping to come down to Chatty a few times this summer. Praying for you guys...hope you are doing well!

Lauren M said...

there's a blogger app! you should download. congrats on sweet little crawford - he's precious!