Thursday, March 1, 2012

our (current) set up

Since bringing Crawford home, we've rearranged our house a bit to accommodate our new lifestyle. Read: our house looks like a bobo daycare.

Exhibit A:

Lamp on the floor. It stays on all night for middle-of-the-night diaper changes and feedings

Entryway table (that is actually my nightstand, moved out of our bedroom to make room for baby). Our all access changing station! Is it ghetto that the first thing you see in our house is a changing station? Probably. Do I care? Not one iota. I figure everyone who comes to our house these days knows we have a newborn, and that's a pretty good excuse. Plus, the drawer is stocked full of diapering supplies, and the cabinet below is great storage for other baby stuff.

Black bin. Full of the clothes he wears on a day-to-day basis

Exhibit B:


Swing, bouncy seat. Self explanatory.

Brown bin by the chair. Full of burp cloths and blankets.

Exhibit C:

It just gets better and better :)

Rocking chair. We brought it in from the front porch for... you guessed it! Rocking!

Baby on the coffee table. Adorable. We use the Boppy Newborn Lounger all.the.time. (thanks, Becca H!). It's perfect to set on the coffee table, kitchen counter, bed, etc. while he's awake OR asleep. The only bad thing is that the cover isn't removable, (I think I could buy a slipcover) so we keep it covered with a blanket we could wash. 

Dog on the couch. He's so sweet. He follows me EVERYwhere, but is hardly a nuisance (unless other people are at our house...). 

Exhibit D:

Pack 'n play in our room. We had a bassinet, but David decided he'd rather use the pack 'n play for Crawford's bed. It's great for the baby, but not so great if we want to get into our closet. 

Judge all you want!  Our little set up is totally working for us (for now), and I'm sure it will morph over time as little man grows and changes.

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