Sunday, March 25, 2012

Train of thought

I freakin love this baby. I tell him that a zillion times a day.

Mondays stink. I love hanging out with David all weekend, and then he has to go back to work...

This morning David let me sleep in until after 9! I used to never be able to do that. I felt a tad guilty because David gets up so early every morning to go to work, but he also sleeps straight through every night :).

Oh, but Crawford slept 7.5 hours Friday night. That totally counts as "through the night", right?

We started attempting cloth diapers on Friday. I'm just supplementing disposable with the cd's we currently have while we determine which ones we like best. So far, I've just decided that we need to move our changing station upstairs...

This should have been the first point because it's the most exciting, but I'm too lazy to switch things around... MY SISTER IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!

And, she and Chase stopped by our house for a few hours today! I was about-to-jump-out-of-my-skin excited, and then I almost cried when they left. Birmingham is entirely too far away.

Obviously Ashley loves Crawford, but I think Chase loves him just as much. It's so sweet watching them love our boy.

I love this picture of Crawford because he's so cute, but also because everything in it was a gift. I seriously think of all the sweet people who gave us presents every time we use them (blanket- Susan, lovey- Kate, diaper- Becca Potts).

I don't put clothes on Crawford a lot of days. If we aren't going anywhere, what's the point? He's a little heater, and his little belly is the sweetest thing ever.

C has gotten too long for his newborn things. It made me so sad to put them away... He seems like he's getting so big, but when I see someone else hold him I'm reminded of how tiny he is!

The end.

1 comment:

Anna said...

How do you like the Best Bottoms? At first, they were my faves. But now that she wiggles NON.STOP., I really wish the tabs were elastic-y.