Thursday, February 9, 2012

week 39

Week 39... crazy. It was my last week at work, and it was so nice. Because I had been sick the week before, I ended up having plenty to do to stay busy enough but not super frazzled. Everyone was so sweet to me, and it was an all-around nice week.

I still am having a really hard time sleeping at night. I'm going to the bathroom 4-6 times per night, and that keeps me pretty occupied. I came back to bed after a bathroom trip one time, and I found that David and Harley had moved to the couch. He thought I'd have a better chance at sleeping well if I had the whole bed (and he was right). Poor guy! A few things that I haven't really dealt with much have really crept up this past few weeks. My heartburn is so bad at nights!  When I lay (lie? I never know...) down it kicks in. Also, my sense of smell is on overdrive. I know it's a pretty common pregnancy thing, but that hasn't been the case for me until recently. Oh, and the gas! Ah! It's horrific. So, sorry to everyone else on that one.

At the doctor this week, I was still 0% effaced and only .5cm dilated. I totally expected it though, so I wasn't disappointed at all. I've said all along that I think this kid will be late, and so far it's looking pretty probable. We've starting talking about induction possibilities, and as much as I hate to do that, it's better for me mentally to be prepared in case it comes down to that. My mom sent me a funny text in response to my doctor update: "He doesn't know that we are out here waiting for him and we are pretty cool!" It cracked me up.

One more week!

1 comment:

Courtney Wallace Frick said...

I have been praying for you daily! I can't wait to see that pretty baby boy!