Emily turned me on to
BookSneeze- a way to get free books in exchange for a book review on your blog! A of all, I love books and reading. B of all, I have a blog. C of all, I love all things free. Perfect fit!
My first book,
Kaleidoscope: Seeing God's Wit and Wisdom in a Whole New Light isn't one I probably would have picked out of a store, but it was a good read. The book is 33 short chapters each elaborating on a few verses in Proverbs. The summary on the back says "On first glance, the book of Proverbs appears to be a disorganized array of advice for all of us..." and though this book didn't seem to
organize them any better, it was helpful to see each verse as an individual lesson rather than a verse of a chapter. Oh, and Patsy Clairmont is funny. Seriously, I laughed out loud and read several parts to my husband.
One of my favorite chapters is about Proverbs 25:11a "A word fitly spoken..." (it's pretty noteworthy how much you can glean from just the first part of a Proverb!).
We can fashion words to fit each heart that will be easy for the recipient to receive, something that will remain with him or her and continue to build equanimity. We can care for others by using words that gleam with love, that sparkle with authenticity, and that shimmer long after the conversation is over. Most important, we can we choose words that fit each person perfectly. I can't think of a better way for us to share the cross of Chris than in a conversation full of divinely appointed words that are spoken at the precise moment they need to be said.
Don't we all know this to be true in our lives?! I can think of instances of divinely appointed words spoken into my life that have made an impact long after the conversation is over. And on the flip side, we all know how much a word ill-fitly (I made that up) spoken can hurt us.
This book is rich with thoughts just like this one. There are lessons that are practical, personal and hillarious. Each chapter ends with questions and other related verses, making this book a good one to use in a group setting.
"The word kaleidoscope means beautiful shapes to look at and examine... Proverbs is like a four-mirrored kaleidoscope..."
...boy do we have lots of beautiful things to examine!
I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as a part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."