Thursday, December 10, 2009


This is my 301st post. I've been in a bit of a blog rut lately, and in cogitating (today's word of the day) why that might be, I realized my problem.

Let me back up...
the main purpose of this blog is to answer this question:

What do I want to remember about this time in my life?

This blog is my journal/scrapbook all-in-one, and I want it to be worthwhile- for me. Obviously, I'm putting this on the world wide web, so I'm glad for anyone to peek into our lives here also, but this is an exercise in self-examination and remembrance.

One day (God-willing), we will have children, we will move, we will get new jobs, etc. and our lives will change.
So, what is special about now?
  • Freedom. Yeah, we have jobs and D has school, but outside of those obligations, we are pretty much free to do whatever we feel like doing when enver we feel like doing it. Honestly, this isn't something I love about our stage in life right now because I get bored very easily. I cannot just sit around watching tv or doing nothing for long periods of time (more than about 1 hr). I like to be busy and productive, but I know I will miss this freedom later in life.
  • David being in school. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating- I am so proud of him. He just finished another semester and two more classes, and he's so close to being done (August!). Just so you know, David hates school. He isn't one of those people who just enjoys going to class, but he has SO graciously worked on his MBA. He was unfaltering in his decision to get this degree, because he knows how beneficial it will be for our family down the road. I don't think I'll miss him being gone 2+ nights a week, but I do love the pride I get from seeing him excel.
  • Playing with our dog. We love that little guy! Even if he does stay in his cage for the majority of his life, he's one happy pooch. We've heard it from everyone- dogs get the back seat when kids come along (as they should!), so we're enjoying playing with him as much as we can (and no, this is not a pregnancy announcement).
  • Eating at Amigos for taco night- and any night. This isn't something that is likely to change any time soon, but when I asked David what he wanted to remember about this time in our lives, he said Amigos. So there.
  • Being a part of a new [to us] church. Again, I've said it before, but we love our church. The one part about moving to Chattanooga that was probably the hardest for me was the church bit. I grew up in a wonderful church family, and not having that through college was hard. Part of my "settling down" process was to find a new church family to be a part of. Calvary is becoming that. Granted, there is nothing like going to church where you know everyone- and everyone knows you (and your mom, dad, siblings, etc...)- but the amazing part about starting over is establishing that family for ourselves. We've really been praying for ways to get connected and to meet people at Calvary, and God is answering those prayers!!
  • Housekeeping. I bought my first house a couple of months before I graduated from college (a townhouse in Birmingham that we still rent out), but being married and owning a home is a different ball game. We are still learning about how to efficiently and effectively get the chores done and keep our home in good condition. We always will have things to learn, but our next big step is landscaping! Our yard (though now lush with grass) needs some TLC that we plan on paying attention to in the spring.
  • Newness. We are still learning so much- about each other, about the Lord, about marriage, about ourselves- and though that will never change, we're relishing in this time of new discovery.
Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

...And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

These verses have been on my mind as I consider this time in our lives. God give us exactly what we need for each day, and He has us where he wants us right now.

1 comment:

PSIrwin said...

what a fun, sweet post!
and that is what these blogs are...ways to remember this specific time in our lives and how God has planned this out from the beginning!
i am so glad that you are my friend...we really should do lunch soon!