Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the rest of the story

Our weekend in Columbus was FULL. Like I mentioned yesterday, Greg was in a play Friday night. The show was BFG (Big Friendly Giant, the Ronald Dahl book-turned-play) at the Springer. I don't know if I've ever given Greg and his acting abilities a sufficient blog shout-out, so now looks like a good time. Greg= musical theater. He has been attending the Springer Academy for years and years, and last summer he won the award for being the best actor. The best. Out of the whole summer. Out of the whole state. Out of the whole universe of (then) 16 year-olds. Ok, ok, I'm being dramatic. But seriously, he did win best actor out of the entire summer of campers, and I think it was a wise choice! He is in the process of college selection (well, thinking about college selection), and his options are limited to schools with [good] musical theater programs. I just keep reminding him how cold it is in New York in hopes of deterring him from going that far away.
Another purpose in our weekend trip was to go with the rest of my fam to my dear 'cousin' Katie's wedding in Atlanta on Saturday. I say 'cousin' because she's not technically related to me at all. I've mentioned the McKellars in a post before, and they are just awesome. This wedding was particularly fun because my parents got to see many of their college pals.

So, here's the thing. I hate purple. In recent years Ashley and I both have tried to figure out what our issue with the color is and we've finally gotten to the bottom of it. Our mom hates purple. We never owned purple things, we never wore purple clothes, we were deterred in any way from the plummy hue. But you know what? Purple isn't that bad. What could possibly be wrong with the color of grapes, irises and Barney the dinosaur? So apparently we came to this discovery at the same time. We both had new dresses for the wedding... and they were both purple.

And we got the memo just in time to blend in with the bridal party! Isn't Laura beautiful?? She's getting married next October, so we'll all reunite again!

The beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hall!

My dad and Uncle Greg are BFFs. It warms the cockles of my heart to think about how they have been friends for nearly 30 years and still call each other all of the time. In fact, my dad got xbox live for his birthday in January so he can play with Uncle Greg. Aren't they cute? (and old... when did that happen??)
We LOVE our Uncle Greg! (And yes, our brother Greg is named after this guy right here)

The whole gang! Uncle Greg, Aunt Bev ("Beberly"), Mols and Pop
And while we're at it... here's Bev & Greg back in the NAU days:
And look at them now! You've come a long way, friends :)

Another funny picture from the night... I know we got a serious one, but I must have forgotten to get it off Ashley's camera. These four were all fraternity brothers. Yep, my mom is in there too. They were members of a fraternity that concealed it's social nature under the auspices of being a "business" fraternity. But they were all business majors, so it worked. Greg and Marti remembered most of the words to their little song, but mom and dad were just playing along.
The love of my life and the best date ever!
Congratulations, Katie and Daniel! We were so honored to get to celebrate with you. Welcome to the family, Daniel :)


Becca Rocha said...

Fun times...where exactly are the cockles of the heart?

You should blog about Greg's play! I wanna see pictures:)

Emily Geyer said...

Becca- http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-coc2.htm

Becca Rocha said...

haha...awesome, thanks.

Becca Rocha said...

i have never heard that expression before, but i think i like it.

Kristin said...

I LOVE your purple dress that you wore to the wedding...funny though, my mom is not a big fan of purple and I just started branching out wearing purple this past year! haha