Monday, April 27, 2009

After a day back at work... my hand hurts. especially to type.


Anonymous said...

i'm sorry your hand hurts.
i don't know if this is funny to you at all, but I had a dream last night I had to wear a backless gown for a surgery like what you just went through (i think i'm just so modest that's the worst part of it all for me), and when the dr. told me to get dressed, or rather, undressed into the gown, i told him/her in the most bold voice of my life that if they wanted to do their job they would have to do it with a walker in a gown with undies. then i demanded that if i woke up and any item of clothing were missing from my body that had been there before they would be sorrier than a woman in labor who demanded the doctor not give her drugs.

see, you impassioned me!

Emily Geyer said...

I got to wear my undies! Plus, they cover you all up with a blanket.