Tuesday, April 21, 2009

gone again.

I'm in Knoxville for a workshop. We're done for the day, I'm using free internet at Starbucks, and I can't read any blogs or get on facebook, and that's a bummer.

I miss my boys, but I do... get to sleep in a big bed by myself, order room service for dinner, read and read and read because I have no distractions, go to bed as early as I want (not that that is any different at home) and sleep in longer than usual because I just have to walk across the street to "work" tomorrow.

I hate being away from home, but I'll take the break every now and again.


anna c. said...

we're sooooo cloooooseeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

a big bed by yourself and ordering dinner in sound like my paradise! hope you've had a blast :)

Becca Rocha said...

miss you:)