Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You're dressed like what??

I was pumped for Halloween. We didn't dress up or go to any parties (we watched D3 at the Rocha's with a group of friends, which was super fun), but I was so excited about passing out candy! I had my big bowl ready to go, but the kids didn't seem to find our house appealing. Actually, there were no kids. We had 3 trick-or-treaters! A parent dropped all of them off in my front yard. I was excited - even though they weren't walking the neighborhood like they should have - to find out what they were dressed as and dole out some [cheap, hard] candy. MUCH to my dismay, the very first girl I asked "what you are supposed to be" replied by saying "I'm dead Hannah Montana. This is a bullet!" And yep, that's what she was- Hannah Montana who had been shot in the head- bullet painted on and all. I almost started crying.

What is this world coming to?


The Rozell Family said...

can you send me your new mailing address and your current email! For some reason I still have the samford email for you??? I am updating our Christmas card list and have a letter to send you! HOW ARE YOU??????

Jayme Dale said...

That's awesome!