Friday, November 21, 2008

no excuses

But seriously, I do have some excuses for my lack of blogging this week. Really, things are just becoming routine and that is such a wonderful blessing. For so long I have felt unsettled and I'm realizing that that is because being married to David is what my heart has been preparing for. Yet even still, we know that our current state is so temporary. The past couple weeks at Calvary Chapel the messages have been about heaven- and how it is an event so great that it should shape our every moment. Life is so great right now, I can hardly imagine heaven being better, but I know this life will pale in comparison to eternity with Jesus.

Anyways, I sat down to write this blog with no intentions of going there... but that's what came out :).

This has been an interesting week for many reasons, but overall I'm just thankful that it's over. It's been long and slow at work and I feel like I'm just buying time until Thanksgiving. And in my mind, Christmas is immediately after Thanksgiving (though it's not) which is a really exciting thought. We have 4 trips in the next month, and David and I are definitely ready. After at least one of us traveling every 10 days (on average) to see one another for almost 3 years we grew to enjoy it a bit. So we'll get our fix this month and then be ready to be back home, I'm sure. Our travels begin today (yes!) with a weekend getaway to Todd Simpson's (Becca's sister Diana's husband) family lake house on Lake Norris near Knoxville. We are PUMPED. We're planning to play outside, sit (for 2 minutes) in the hot tub, play board games and maybe watch a movie or two. Not to mention, I intend to love on Baby Kate as much as possible (have I talked lately about how much I love that kid? maybe that's a blog post waiting to happen). Anyways, it's going to be great. Unfortunately, Matt(earley), Arrington and Stevie are at our house now and will be there for the weekend without us! David misses Matt so much and we really hope they end up in Chatty one of these days :).

Oh, and my husband is great. Last night he came home with this:

which happens to be from Publix... my favorite cake place ever. Unfortunately, Chattanooga is just starting to learn about the beauty that is Publix and the only one in town is far away. It took David an hour to get home from work, but it was well worth the wait :). He's the best.

1 comment:

Jayme Dale said...
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