Last night I got to spend some time with the
Masseys as they drove through town on their way back to Columbus from Michigan. Rachel, her three girls Payton (7), Eden (6) and
Aiva (5) and their bunny "Silky" had dinner with us at Amigos and then hung out at our house for a little while before hitting the road for the final leg of their 14 (!!) hour day in the car. Those girls are troopers but
man they had some energy to burn off by the time they got to the house! I wish I had taken a picture because they are the most beautiful girls, and because they packed for themselves on this trip and a little girl at a gas station along the way told Payton she looked like Hannah Montana.
Bahaha! Just what every mom wants to hear.
I got "tagged" a while back to fill out one of those A-Z survey things, but I would like to opt out and fill out this one instead. So sue me.
Here it goes!
Four, Four, Four, Four…..A. Four places that I go to over and over:
1. work (
2. Bi-Lo
4. home (man, these are lame... I need to get out more!)
B. Four people who e-mail me regularly:
1. David
2. Sarah
3. Beth
4. Becca
C. My favorite 4 places to eat (in Chattanooga):
1. Big River
2. Amigo's
3. University Pizza & Deli
4. Chick-
(I'd add Cheesecake Factory if we were talking about out of Chattanooga)
D. Four places I would rather be right now:
1. home laying in the bed with David watching the Office (we're almost done with Season 2!)
Sanibel Island (well, the beach in general, but I could stay for free at this one :))
3. in Birmingham with Ashley (we're going tomorrow!!)
4. David's parents' screened in porch
E. Four people who read your blog:
1. Mark & Shelby Jenkins (yeah, they are 2 people, but I want to count them both)
2. Ashley (but only because it gets emailed to her when I update it)
3. Sarah
4. Beth
F. Four TV shows I watch all the time:
I haven't watched much
tv lately, but when I do, these are them...
1. The Office (see D.1.)
2. Jon & Kate Plus 8
3. We just finished watching The Newlyweds on DVD, but I'm glad that's over
4. Little People, Big World
G. Four words that describe you:
1. Friendly
2. Helpful
3. Routine
4. High-strung
H. Four quirky things about you (I changed this one because it originally was about classic movie stars and I don't know anything about that):
1. I plug my ears when I get scared.
2. I don't start my movie candy until the actual movie starts (I won't even open it during the previews).
3. I pick my split ends.
4. I double click on words while I'm reading things on the computer. It doesn't matter what it is, but I like to highlight the words as I go.
I. Four favorite “old school” television game shows:
I don't really know about "old school" game shows, so I'm just going to say game shows in general (man, I'm being so difficult):
1. Jeopardy
2. Family Feud
3. The Price is Right
4. Deal or No Deal
J. Four favorite “old school” television shows:
1. “Full House"
2. "Step by Step"
3. "Boy Meets World"
4. "
Jetsons" (they tie for #4)
K. List four things you liked best about Christmas when you were a child (I’m adding a qualifier here—BESIDES PRESENTS!):
1. Getting out of school for a week
2. Heart shaped waffles at Round Hill
3. The anticipation of seeing the living room full of presents (we weren't allowed to go downstairs until my grandfather woke up and had his coffee)
4. Leaving Round Hill to go home
L. List four things you liked best about Halloween when you were a child:
1. Having candy at home for months
2. Always having a better costume than Ashley (
ie- I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and she was a pig)
3. candy corn
4. not really Halloween, but I loved the school Fall Festival
M. List four things you did not like about growing up:
1. Being the oldest and always getting held to a different standard than Ashley or Greg (
definitely Greg)
2. When I didn't want to go to gymnastics but my parents made me because it was a commitment that I had made (though I'm thankful for that now)- and then watching Greg quit everything he ever started
3. Getting in trouble for back talking and not being able to watch Full House (a mild punishment) or getting my mouth washed out with soap (for really bad back talk)
4. My haircut
N. List 4 events that impacted your life:
1. Becoming a Christian (4
th grade)
2. My mom's diagnosis w/ Multiple Sclerosis (2000)
3. My Aunt Barbara's death (October 2007)
4. Marrying David (August 9, 2008)
I'm not going to "tag" people to do it themselves, because those of you reading either don't have blogs of your own or you've already done it on your blog. Feel free to start an e-chain that says the love of your life will find you within 48 hours if you forward this to your 4.8 closest friends in the next 48 seconds. That should be fun to bring back.