So, I've resigned myself to the fact that keeping this blog up-to-date is going to be difficult for me! This post is going to be long because I should have updated it several times before now... oh well, here we go:
We'll start off with last week, so here are some pictures (stolen from the one and only, Shelby Jenkins) from our visit to
CVP for family camp:

Here she is, folks! Me and Shelby, my wonderful friend and hostess while I'm homeless. I love, love, love this woman! I couldn't be more blessed by living with the Jenkins!
Here I am with my "new friend" Anna and the kiddos! I worked at camp in 2005 with Anna's brother Daniel, and I've known about Anna since freshman year of college when my fabulous friend Kara sported her freshman/senior sister shirt from high school! How fun to be friends now!

Anna and Emily Grace let me (and David) intrude on their family for the night. There's nothing like a
CVP dinner!

Probably one of my new favorite pictures! Shelby, Emily Grace, Anna, Ellie, Maddie, Laney, me and Dave. Oh, Vesper Point... we love thee.

And, last but not least... the family pyramid. That's right, family. They are so sweet to love me!
Ok, so that was last week. Whew! I bet you're not even reading any more :). Well, maybe you are, Sarah!
Now, on to the weekend! On Friday, my family drove up from Columbus (GA) and picked me & David up to head to Ohio! It was a long drive (especially crammed in the back seat), but it was such a great weekend. We spent tons of time together and really enjoyed it! The shower on Saturday was
soo nice! It was extra special that
Sara (who is home from Thailand for 7 weeks) got to come and we spent some good time together in the car. There were so many of David's family members there that are so wonderful and that love me so much already. I'm so blessed to be inheriting such wonderful family members!!
So, on our way home last night, David got a call from Jerry, the camp director out at
CVP (you know, our
fav place?). One of the
jr. counselors, Hannah
Venable (who David and I happen to love) had gotten in an accident on her way back to camp, and Jerry wanted to see if we could help her out. Well, of course!! It took us longer than we would have hoped to get to her rescue, but she was relieved to see us when we got to her at the North Valley Medical Plaza in Dunlap, TN (a place you never want to go). We met her grandparents there, got her luggage from the dilapidated car at the wrecker and returned her to camp. She was pretty sore, had a
seat belt burn and a sprained wrist, but she was confident that she needed to go to camp. I would have to agree. There is no greater place to be loved on, taken care of and encouraged! Hannah is precious and David and I were glad to just get to spend some time with her (and her parents when they arrived from Franklin)!
One more thing: I just found out that my dad's side of the family is coming to the wedding! This may not sound like a big deal, but it IS. I have never seen my grandmother (dad's step-mom) outside of
Charlottesville, VA (hardly outside of
RoundHill Farm, where she lives). Plus, the Coopers, my aunt, uncle (dad's step-bro) and 3 cousins are ALL coming! I can hardly believe it!! I can't wait for them to share in this part of mine and David's lives (plus, none of them have ever met David). Yeah for family!! Oh, PLUS, this is the first time
ever in my parents' 30 years of marriage that we are "cross-
pollinating" as my dad said. The
Bourkes and
Buckleys in the same place! That didn't even happen at their wedding. How nuts?!
Thanks for reading :). This is fun!