Thursday, June 9, 2011

g man and popsickle

Greg is awesome. He is leaving tomorrow for New York City where he planned (last minute) to spend the rest of his summer working in a restaurant, taking dance classes and auditioning. Then, he got selected for a role in Oklahoma at Regent Theatre outside of Boston! His first real gig! Paid! For equity points! Woo hoo! This was Monday. So, he and dad (mom had appointments at home and couldn't come... we missed you, Molls!!!) made a quick round trip to Birmingham and Chatty to visit the sisters before Greg is gone for the summer.

It was great.

Just like old times, Greg and I did some stunts and worked on some gymnastics. It was so fun and silly.

While taking some toe-touch photos, we got some awesome in between shots:
You might have to click to enlarge so you can really see his face. It's hilarious. You want to see.


Ninja boy

 He's a cutie!

We ate Jet's Pizza for dinner- Dad's absolute FAV- and went to Sweet CeCe's for dessert.

We walked around outside and on the bridge for a bit... did a little Hokey Pokey in our slippers...

and beat up our big sister... thanks, gg.

It was so, so fun to have my boys all here. I seriously miss these two (and my mama) too much for my own good, and it was a super special Tuesday night to have them in one place!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Awww, I miss Gweg!