Monday, April 18, 2011

what a weekend

I have been so anxious/excited/nervous about this past weekend, and now it's behind us!

I had my first wedding gig on Saturday, and it went very well! Jessica helped me acquire a few jobs "directing" (I'm trying to decide what is the best way to describe the job... wedding coordinating might be most accurate) weddings, and the first was Kristen and Bryan's wedding on Saturday. It was a LONG day (week/weekend) of preparations and celebrations, but they were married and it was beautiful. One of the highlights was that Becca (&Keith) shot the wedding, and it was SO fun to work together. We have one other tag team wedding this summer, and I would love to make a habit out of it :).

All I have to offer is this blurry cell phone pic, but Becca & Keith will have tons of fabulous ones to share!

When I got home late Saturday night, David had this waiting for me:
It was absolutely the last thing I needed after eating way too much pound cake + chocolate fountain, but man was it good (and sooo thoughtful). He is the BEST. Seriously. He knew how nervous I was about doing a good job, and he wanted to reward my hard work. So sweet.

The weekend was a little less chaotic than it was planned to be because I was supposed to run the Chickamauga Chase 15k Saturday morning, and it was delayed because of the bad weather Friday night. In hind sight, I am really thankful it didn't all work out because I would not have made it through the day. David did run it, and he did so well! I am so proud of him. He had a great time, and we are both really looking forward to our 1/2 marathon in less than 2 weeks (!).

Of course, after a crazy busy Friday/Saturday, we were scheduled to serve in the Children's Ministry Sunday morning at the early service. We actually had the best class of 4 year olds we've ever had, and that was such a blessing. I took a 2+ hour nap Sunday afternoon (instead of running 9.5m to make up for missing the race... oh well), worked around the house and enjoyed our traditional Sunday night dinner with the Rochas (4 weeks in a ROW) and Greg & Jodi came! I love winding down the weekend and gearing up for another week with our dear friends.

So, here we are at Monday again... unfortunately. This week will be comprised of:
running, running and more running (I have to get back in the groove!)
laughing with our fun small group (we've daringly started this video series... it's strange/hilarious/thought provoking)
counting down the days until Thursday afternoon - no work Friday!
slumber party with KATE Thursday night/play day Friday

Here goes nothing!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Emily, how in the world do you have time to add one more thing to your plate?! Junior league, Initials, Inc., church, work, being married, friends, throwing baby showers, and now coordinating...I'm sure the list is even longer than that! I'm impressed to say the least :)