Thursday, April 21, 2011


I just got back from a funeral that was surprisingly emotional for me. I met Mr. Bob Venable several times at camp, we have had a special bond with the Dan Venable family (David is especially close to Carter), Marianne and Maggie were both my campers, Hannah is awesome, etc. But, those relationships aren't what struck a chord with me today. Mr. Venable has left an incredible legacy in this town. He was practically the patriarch of Camp Vesper Point, and he certainly gave his lifeblood to that ministry. His love for the ministry of CVP was mentioned repeatedly, and it just stirred my soul. Obviously, CVP has had a profound impact on my life and the packed room was evidence of all the lives that have been touched by this sweet man and the ministry he so fervently treasured. Two wonderful men shared beautiful (and one other not so beautiful) testimonies of their personal relationships with Mr. Venable, and you couldn't help but tear up from the touching stories of compassion and thoughtfulness he consistently displayed. I can only pray that someday, somehow, by God's great grace, I can affect lives like he has.

*And, wouldn't you know, we sang It Is Well with My Soul?
**I saw a couple of my pastors dressed up. Probably the only time that will ever happen!

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