Friday, April 8, 2011

a great way to end my week

Just to be consistent with my pictures-of-food-taken-with-cell-phone-camera blog posts theme this week, I figured I should share this:
just a thoughtful gift from a vendor (who will have my business forever)

In other news...

There isn't really any other news. The Geyers in Chatt had a really lovely week including time spent with our new small group, running (w/ Becca! best friend+new hobby= awesome), lots of intentional conversation between me & D, a spontaneous dinner at Five Guys and productive weeks at work. And now, it's the freakin weekend baby and I'm about to have me some fun!

1 comment:

Aileen said...

The cupcake looks delicious! Sounds like a wonderful week. Enjoy the weekend! :)