Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter weekend: Part 2

Yes, I'm just now posting the second part of Easter weekend...

The theme of part one was fish, and the theme of part two is puppies! Man, we are lame-o.

It's true, Bella had puppies! Harley is kind of a dead-beat dad, but he doesn't really understand so we don't fault him too much.

Ashley's dog, Kensie, was in town too! She was worn out from all the playing.
We took Bella & the babies to visit the Rhineharts!
Yep, they were in love.

We all pretty much were/are. There are few things sweeter than new wittle puppies!

Oh, and there were people in Columbus Easter weekend too! We celebrated Mom's birthday with a traditional Mexican lice-hat dinner.

We also enjoyed lots of time playing outside (with the dogs, of course), dyeing eggs, going to the sunrise service at church and catching up with the fam!

1 comment:

mom said...

The greatgrandpuppies are too cute!