Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter weekend: part 1

My Easter weekend began Friday with a day off work! Thank you, UTC for acknowledging Good Friday. And thank you, Jesus for this beautiful weather! I utilized my morning for packing and errand running, but I took the midday to relax by the lake. Mary Shelton was in town, so I jumped at the chance to hang out with her. We spent our time chatting and fishing (yes, this post is dedicated to fishing). The Bryants got a fishing boat, and since my fishing experience is limited to church retreats in elementary school, they had to teach me a thing or two. I was unsuccessful, but MS and Margaret Anne both caught a fish! MA's first one! It was so exciting!

As soon as David was able to leave work, we jumped in the car and drove to Columbus. I'll post later about our time there, but for now I'm just talking fish.

As soon as we got back home on Sunday, we unloaded, started laundry and guess what... headed back out to the lake, of course! David tested his hand at fishing, and he caught the biggest crappie they have gotten so far. He's pretty much good at everything. Fortunately, I caught one too- my first caught-as-an-adult fish! It was actually really fun, and there is nothing more peaceful than the calm lake on a cool evening.

PS- all of these pictures were taken with our phones! I'm totally impressed with the quality.

1 comment:

with love, Emily said...

Hey! How did you get those pictures in that collage format like that!? I'd like to learn! Thanks!