Saturday, October 24, 2009

new toy.

Last weekend David surprised me and bought an iMac. Our computer is from David's freshman year of college (2004), and basically worthless. We have been talking for a while about getting a new working computer, and he decided it was time. I suffer from buyer's remorse if I buy anything over $20, so we decided to not open the box for a few days and just make sure it was a wise purchase. Well, Tuesday the box was still sitting on the kitchen counter when Apple announced the release of their new iMacs! They were the same price, but with way better features- we knew it was a sign :). So, David couldn't wait for Best Buy in town to get them in stock, so he and Raynolds drove to the Apple store in Atlanta this morning and picked one up (after we returned the other one, of course).

We LOVE it.

I mean, it's a Mac and that's cool and all, but more than anything, it's a working computer.

I immediately downloaded Skype and found my sister online! We inaugurated the built-in camera by talking for a while! It was awesome. (so comment if you have Skype!! I'll talk to you!)

And now, some obligatory photo booth pictures...

1 comment:

Rebecca Cash said...

Matt and I use skype! :-) rhart621