Monday, June 15, 2009

our favorite place

** SORRY this took so long to post! I haven't been able to get the video to upload until now! Enjoy!

Wednesday night David and I were invited to have dinner out at camp with some of our FAVORITE people on this planet. The Harrisons and Jenkins are so fabulous and we love them SO much!

Me and Shelby

The party for the night was a family camp version of the dock party, and it was so fun! The best part was watching the boat races... boats that the kids and counselors made... out of cardboard! Shelby was nominated to be her team's captain.

Me and Kelley- spectators

Frank- the Harrison team captain- ready to sail!

Team Jenkins- ready to set sail. Shelby was not really excited about being the one to do this, but she was a trooper!! We laughed before she got started when she asked "do you think I'll get really wet?" Oh Shelby...

PLEASE watch this video. Shelby in the black/white and Frank in the blue shorts. And, don't mind me and Kelley screaming slash laughing our heads off in the background. This made my week!

Post-race. Cutest picture award!!

I love my husband! We are SO blessed.

They love each other.

Jenkins cuties!


Not only did we get to hang out with our favorite families, but we also saw many of our camp friends! I love Anna (and Kristin, but that picture remains trapped in my camera... I can't find the right cord!)!

Riley bug!

And we took a fun picture with 3 generations of Jenkins family counselors (but we skipped a few years).

2005- Emily (kind of. I think really Ginny or Sue were their counselor, but I shared them and the Harrisons!)

2008- Anna

2009- Allison & Kara

As we traveled down Lee Pike that night, we ventured also down memory lane. One year ago, we were scurrying around the southeast for wedding showers, moving, starting new jobs, etc. We literally didn't have a free weekend for 3 months. Now we are completely settled, completely loving life and completely blown away by God's goodness! The Lord led us to Camp Vesper Point in 2005 and it changed our lives forever! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

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