Friday, June 26, 2009

Jolly Green Giants

Last night I made my way to the Signal Mountain pool to see the Green Giants swim meet! There are several very special girls on that team, and I had SO much fun watching them compete (well, swim).

I was on swim team one summer. I went to just enough practices that I got the tshirt, then I quit. I only did it because my cousin Mary was on a swim team and I pretty much wanted to be just like her (also the reason I took piano lessons... it lasted about as long as swim team, minus the tshirt).

These girls aren't like that though- they were having lots of fun and doing a really great job!


Backstroke babe. (Riley is in the 9-10 year old division, so she had to swim 2 lengths of the pool! She never gave up once!)
Serious swimming. Ella meant business. She worked so hard and did awesome!

Yay! She even one a 3rd place ribbon!!!
Blue ribbon elation! Laney won her race!
and so did Ellie!!
Mattie came in second!
These girls are precious. I love them so much and just LOVE being able to be a part of their lives.
... their silly, crazy little lives :)

I can't say it enough...

I love the Harrisons!!

I love the Jenkins!!

(David loves them too, he just had to be in class...)

We really want to be intentional in our relationships, particularly with sweet families like these. David and I have become keenly aware of how much we have to learn about being a good husband/wife and eventually parents- and we are SO blessed with such amazing examples of Godly families! Thank you guys for letting us into your lives and teaching us by your actions.

1 comment:

anna c. said...

love seeing them in your posts! shelby looks GREAT here (i'm particularly a fan of the shirt. you can tell her that if you like)! and, we've done SUCH a good job this week at keeping in touch. i actually felt like you were at camp with me! can't wait to chat with you :)