Monday, February 23, 2009

adventures in the kitchen

This weekend I utilized my time off to... cook!? Yes, a little cooking, a little baking, and lots of dirty dishes later I felt quite satisfied with my endeavors.

I was already planning on making a brocolli chicken casserole for a family at church, so it propelled me into cooking-for-the-week ahead mode. I made an additional brocolli (yes, that is a green vegetable that I eat- in case you were freaking out.) casserole for us to keep and then these two other dishes to freeze and eat this week:

Pasta & Chicken Alfredo

Chicken Noodles Romanoff

Also, I had just read about this bread on my friend Elaine's blog (which is where I stole the title of this blog), and I had to try it! The first attempt didn't look too hot, but it tasted great! I ended up sending it with the first casserole, so I wanted to make a loaf to keep. The second loaf early on looked like it was going to turn out way better, but in the end it wasn't that pretty. The Rochas gave it their seal of approval in the taste category though, so I think I'll keep trying!

Lastly, I found this Pioneer Woman recipe too yummy-looking to pass up, so I gave them a try too. They turned out fine, but they aren't sweet enough for my sweet tooth. They are kind of shortbread-ish which is a nice change I suppose.

So, there. Proof that I'm a little becoming more and more domestic. And enjoying it!

PS- I have pictures of some of the above, but I left the camera cord at home. Check back later.

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