Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Virginia is for lovers

That was partly the reason for our Easter weekend jaunt to VA. David's bff, lifelong friend Andy married the lovely Reisha so we packed our bags and took off! We decided since we were going to be so close, to squeeze in a visit with some of my family in Richmond too. It was all around exhausting, but we're glad we made it all work!

We left Thursday morning, flew from Chatt to Atlanta to Richmond, and it was mostly uneventful. We hadn't flown with Crawford since we went to Sanibel for Thanksgiving at which point he wasn't mobile. We knew it would be a different ball of wax this go around, so we came prepared: tons of snacks, shows on the iPad and his car seat on board. Fortunately both of our "long" (only about 1 hour, 15 mins) flights had extra room so we were able to install the seat next to one of us. Unfortunately, it took us learning the hard way that you need to put the seat forward facing so the poor kid's head doesn't hang in his lap the whole flight. Whoops.

So we arrived in VA, collected our excessive amounts of stuff (2 suitcases, 1 hanging bag, car seat, big stroller, diaper bag) and met my fabulous, generous college friend Marcie's husband to borrow a pack & play and high chair. That was such a huge blessing! I know we could have gotten the hotel crib, but I was too grossed out by the thought of that. Marcie and Mason were super helpful - Mason even met us AT the airport! So nice. We got our (much smaller than we expected) rental car, CRAMMED our junk inside and headed to Norfolk.

David's mom was already there when we arrived, and we immediately bumped into other wedding guests we hadn't seen in a while. David especially was super excited to see people he grew up with, and he was pretty much on cloud nine the whole time we were there. Cathy kept C at the hotel so David and I could go in peace to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, which was so nice. We had a great night out! 

groomsmen! eleven!

groom with his brand new nephew, Charlie; David and Eric Russ - such an amazing brother who he hadn't seen since high school (in the hats Andy gave them as groomsmen gifts)

Friday started off awesomely because David got Panera AND a smoothie for me for breakfast! Win! We hung out in the lobby meeting/seeing tons of people. Crawford in a hotel = not tons of fun. Except for the fact that there was a pool... that was awesome. D spent most of the day doing groomsmen stuff (he really was Andy's go-to helpful guy, shocker!) so Crawford and I ran some errands, went swimming with Hannah and played in the room. Of course when it was time to leave for the wedding he was still sleeping... always happens!

Ok, this is turning into a novel. Didn't mean for that to happen so we'll hit the high points:

  • wedding was lovely. super Christ-centered and special. cold and windy. C was wild, so we played on the grass in the back.

Reisha and her dad. She was stunning! Her dress= ridiculously amazing.

what finally kept C entertained during the wedding... the buckle on my boot

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rhodenbaugh

  • reception was great. lots of fun dancing. Crawford was exhausted but was SO GOOD being passed around. he finally passed out in the ergo for about 20 minutes.

resting with Grandma

David and Nick Otto

Jesse, Andy and David = like brothers

fiiiiinally asleep

best buds, these three!!
  • left Saturday am to drive to Richmond to see the fam. Hung out with Claire (cousin) and Cooper (3 years old), C took a nap (so did me and David), went to visit Grandma.
  • Grandma was awesome. SOO sweet and gracious to Crawford! He was a cranky monster the entire time we were there, stupid teeth.

Mic Pechan being the bomb - soooo sweet with C! And Hannah P = always a trip highlight for me

fountain at Grandma's house was quite a hit; Sweet Grandma meeting her great-grandson

cousins! 2 years and 6 days apart
  • woke up Easter morning to Crawford sleeping in! and D got Panera again! yay, Easter! David is awesome and hid the eggs in the yard for Cooper to find when he woke up. 

  • went to Marcie and Mason's house and met their sweet Bradley. He's a month older than C, and it's so fun to compare notes/talk baby stuff. Wish we lived closer!

  • lunch at the country club w/ the Cooper fam and Aunt Judy (hadn't seen her in...15 years?). David and Crawford joined us for the tail end and we headed out for the airport. Oh, and Aunt Annie gave us lotto tickets in our Easter cards and I won $11! score!

  • flight to Atlanta was HELL. The medicine AND the iPad were in our checked luggage (cough... not gonna say who accidentally did that) and Crawford was in pain. He basically cried the whole time. I cried some too. D and I took turns trying to calm him, but nothing worked for very long. 
  • David walked C around the Atlanta airport in the stroller until he fell asleep, I drank a HUGE smoothie and Crawford was a dream on the last flight.


Morals of the story: don't do this much in one out-of-town weekend. spread it out. leave the kid and his mom at home whenever possible. but, once you're there, enjoy the time you get with family and friends. keep medicine handy with teething baby. take lots of naps after you get home.

The end.

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