Thursday, April 11, 2013

here we go, one more time...

Long overdue post about Geyer baby #2!


2/19- So, I took a pregnancy test first thing in the morning on Sunday February 10. David's mom was in town, and David left early that morning to drive to Cleveland to buy some appliances from CraigsList (for the Werner house). After David got home I didn't want to tell him right away because I knew he had a busy day and we wouldn't be able to really talk about things or share in our excitement. So he took his mom to the airport then went straight to work on the Werner house. Like most work-on-the-house days, he got home later than he expected, and I was about to burst! He took a shower and I told him I wanted to give him his Valentine's Day card early. It had the positive test inside, and he was so excited.

I'm already a bit sad because we haven't documented this pregnancy like I did last time. I guess I expected it to be this way, but I don't want this baby to ever feel less special than Crawford.

Two nights in a row I woke myself and David up because I was laughing at a dream.

Though I haven't thrown up yet (!), I have been feeling nauseous off and on throughout the day. Making dinner stinks.

We wanted to keep it a secret until after I go to the doctor (2/25), which was much easier last time because we didn't see ANY family in that interim period. This time? David's mom was HERE when we found out, and later that week my parents and my sister and bro in law came into town!! So hard not to tell...

Kate Carr is pregnant! Crawford and Cooper are 9 days apart and this time our due dates are 2 days apart! Her surprise friendship is such a blessing.

Pregnant pee is so weird. I feel like I have to go all the time, but I barely really do. TMI? I have been getting up in the middle of the night to pee since before we even knew I was pregnant, and I'm already over that.

2/22- Ok, I couldn't do it. I told Ashley. I had to. She basically asked me straight out, and I couldn't NOT tell her. She, of course, started crying. Haha. It's so nice to share our secret with her! Our plan is to wait to tell my parents until they are here to help Ash & Chase move in (around 11 weeks), then we'll tell David's mom when we're together for Andy's wedding (12 weeks and a few days). Perfect! After that, we won't have to wait long to find out the gender then spill the beans to everyone. I can't wait for that!

I don't know how women breastfeed while pregnant. I initially wanted to take a pregnancy test because I was starting to wean C (to try to GET pregnant), but I didn't want to if I didn't have to. Well lo and behold, positive! I've kept up our morning and bedtime feeding sessions, and he's still 100% into it. I, however, am EXHAUSTED. The actual nursing is super, duper quick (he always has been), but I wonder if letting them go would give me a bit more energy during the day??

2/25- We saw Dr. Brody today! After waking C up from his morning nap (40 minutes in) and racing to get there on time, they informed me that he was stuck in deliveries and they needed to reschedule for the afternoon. I was SO frustrated. The Lord worked it all out though, because David surprised me and was able to leave work in time to be there for my afternoon appointment. It was such a blessing too because Crawford was crazy. We did have to wait a long time, so I was extra glad to have his help. Also, it was super special because he wasn't able to go with me for my very first appointment last time. We saw and heard the heartbeat and everything looks good! My due date is October 10. Dr. Brody did say that not nursing really would help with my energy level, but I just can't do it yet. I think it'll happen on it's own, and that would be good with me.

I am starting to freak.out. about having two kids. Really, I just feel like Crawford is still such a BABY I can't imagine having another baby. I know people do it with a lot less time in between, but 20 months is seeming like not very much time to me. Everything at the doctor today felt like Twilight Zone because I feel like we were JUST THERE.

3/5- The first trimester suuuucks. The end.
Ok, not the end. David and I both had a stomach bug yesterday and it was horrible. Hor.ri.ble. But, I started crying because I knew even after the bug passed I'd still be nauseous and throwing up. Stupid first trimester! Granted, it hasn't been as bad as last time, but I am nauseous ALL the time.

3/7- Nap times are my lifeline. Oh, and we need some sunshine stat. Nothing sounds good to eat, but I'm always hungry.

Raspberries, cheesecake, macaroni and cheese

3/12- I still feel horrible. When I was pregnant with Crawford I threw up a ton, but felt pretty much fine when I wasn't curled over the toilet (sink/bathtub/shower/trashcan). This time? I'm nauseous 90% of the time. Even when I throw up it doesn't really give much relief. Thankfully c loves to turn the water on the bathtub off and on, which is a perfect distraction for him while I do my thing at the toilet. Poor baby.

I've been feeling particularly bad from about 4-7, so sweet David has been coming home from work and putting dinner together (I do help prepare it). Fortunately, a few weeks ago I made and froze a bunch of meals that we've been working through. I usually just lay (lie? I never know...) on the couch and watch Crawford play from nap time to dinner time. Poor kid, again. I feel super guilty about it, so I try to really maximize the early part of our day. He is so good though, and he plays so nicely by himself. Love this kid so much!

3/18- I was so excited that I have been feeling well lately, and then it all came back this evening. David got home and I immediately got in bed. Ugh.

This past week has been a little nutty on the baby front. I accidentally posted THIS post (from my phone. Stupid.) instead of continuing to save it as a draft. Obviously I was able to immediately un-post it, but my parents and brother got it as an email and everyone who reads my blog in reader could see it. I called my parents and told them to delete their email, but my dad couldn’t do it (I was hysterical when I called them) because he was worried something was wrong. So, I told them. Sort of. They found out on their own, and that sucked. I called my brother and texted the friends I thought would see it on reader (after a few people already sent me facebook/text messages confirming what I feared). It’s no big deal, but I was super disappointed that none of that went as planned. And, it was my stupid fault.

Ash and Chase moved in this weekend! Well, sorta. They closed on the house today, but we got the go ahead from the home owners to move stuff in yesterday afternoon. So, David, Ash & Chase rented a Uhaul and filled it with stuff from the storage unit, and the four of us (mostly the three of them) unloaded 3 vehicles and the 20 foot truck. That wasn’t the plan for the week, but it worked out perfectly, and it was so nice to get it done and have it all there! I wore Crawford in the Ergo on my back for a while, and he was so so good. Then, he just hung out on a blanket watching (and clapping as people walked by) and eating his dinner. Love.that.kid.

3/25- I went to the dr today, and everything is great! Baby was wiggling all around, which is so amazing to see. Crawford napped at Ashley's house, and it was so nice not to worry about him being all over the place during the appointment. David was able to FaceTime (thank goodness for FaceTime!!) and watch the baby. Unbeknownst to each other, we both took screen shots while we were chatting. So cool!

I was really worried something was wrong since my symptoms have started decreasing, I had some cramping last night and I had lost two pounds when they weighted me today, so it was an extra big blessing that baby is looking healthy and strong. Next appointment is April 17 (15 weeks), and we'll find out the gender! We're trying to decide what to do about a gender reveal something or other. We did so many fun things with Crawford's pregnancy, and I don't want this kid to feel like they got the shaft.  

4/1- Well, the word is out! There are a few people we haven't gotten the chance to tell yet, but for the most part we've been letting folks know that baby #2 is on the way!

4/17- It's been so fun to share the news and be excited about this baby with our friends and family. Although it still doesn't feel real about 85% of the time, when I do stop and think about it I am pretty pumped and so thankful that God is blessing us in this way. We go to the doctor next Wednesday to hopefully find out the gender (though, I'm more excited to hopefully see a healthy baby and get a good report), and we've planned a gender reveal party for the next day. We'll find out if baby is a he or she with our friends, and we'll reveal his/her name! I'm pretty excited about that.

Overall I've been feeling soo much better. My nausea has limited itself to about a 2 hour window around dinner time, and I can handle that since David is home to help out with Crawford. He's been so gracious to me. I'm going to bed early, but let's be honest. I always do that. I still haven't gained any weight and am only sort of showing at the end of the day, which isn't what I expected for #2. I'm kind of anxious because of this so I'll be really glad to go to the doctor next week.

We haven't posted this news on any social media outlets (my facebook wall has been turned off since the "accidental blog" incident above, so people who have found out from my parents or whatever have been sending me actual messages which is sweet), so it will be fun to share "we're having a baby!" and "it's a ----!" simultaneously. You know, with the facebook/instagram world... ha. 

So, here we go! Geyers, party of FOUR!

1 comment:

Aileen said...

Congratulations!!! Party of FOUR will be so much fun! I cannot wait for the gender and name reveal. I loved Crawford's, so I can't wait to see new baby Geyers. How is your house selling going? I think baby is a girl since your pregnancy has been different. Just a guess :)