Wednesday, April 24, 2013

14, 16 and 27.5

at 14 months (and a few weeks) old, Crawford:
  • is a walker about 90% of the time! It's been adorable to watch him discover his mobility. He walks like a zombie with his arms out in front of him. Again, adorable.
  • isn't much of a climber. He's pretty content firmly on the ground.
  • loves to dunk the basketball in the hoop by himself.
  • sticks his tongue out on command (we're so proud).

  • has some attachment issues... only with me. He goes from being totally happy to complete meltdown mode when he sees me. It's so weird. 
  • loves fruit (grapes, pears, peaches, mangoes, bananas), but is all of a sudden over blueberries! won't touch 'em!
  • would watch this video and this video for all of his waking hours if we would let him (obviously, we don't. We limit his video time to about 10 minutes 2x/day.)
  • thinks it is really fun to put things inside other things. For example: all the magnets off the fridge into the trash or recycling can or all the items from my makeup bag into the laundry hamper. I found the monitor receiver in the bottom drawer in my bathroom. I've never been so thankful that David has always insisted we keep our toilet lids closed. 
at 16 weeks pregnant, I:
  • mostly don't feel pregnant.
  • ...except when I randomly (and infrequently) run to the bathroom to vomit up the food I JUST ate.
  • have a tiny little bump.
  • am super excited about having a baby boy.
  • go to bed really early. We had a DVR box installed in our room so David could go to bed when I do but have stuff he wants to watch on tv. When I was pregnant with Crawford we had Netflix, so this is our solution this go 'round.
  • am probably going to go bald. But seriously, my hair is falling out like crazy! When I was pregnant with C my hair almost immediately stopped falling out... weird.
  • have a good bit of tailbone pain. It was bad last time, but this time it is way worse. Last time I spent the majority of my day sitting at a desk (on my donut pillow, with a heating pad). This time I'm up and down off the floor and carrying a 22 pound tornado off and on all day. 
  • feel the baby kick!! It's only at night when I'm on my back and totally still, but it is such a special, magical thing! I can't wait until David can feel him too.
at 27.5 years old, David:
  • very unexpectedly lost his job last Thursday (morning. before our gender reveal party. nice.). Mohawk had recently announced that they were letting 300 people go, and even though David's department was told they were safe, David's position is being eliminated. The greatest PRAISE in the situation is that the Werner house is under contract! They listed it last Monday, had six showings in about 30 hours and an offer by Wednesday night (the night before his job was eliminated. talk about timing!!). The Lord totally provided us with a sense of peace because of His hand being so clearly at work on our behalf. We're also excited to spend time together as a family while we wait to see what the Lord has next for David. He's already had a meeting and several good contacts, and we know God has an exciting plan for his next job. We're hope it's in Chattanooga not Dalton :). All in all, we're doing really well. David's attitude is SO God-honoring, and I couldn't be more proud of him. We've already had a really sweet week of productivity, long walks, fun outings and a few afternoon naps :). He got a severance, and the Werner house selling (for more than they had originally planned on listing it!) helps us feel quite secure financially. Our prayer now is for quality time as a family and obviously a new job! 

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