Friday, April 19, 2013

gender reveal take TWO

We had so much fun finding out that Crawford was going to be a boy that we knew we wanted to do the same thing with this baby. Not to mention, I don't want this poor kid to have more of a complex than he'll already have about being loved less, etc. because he's the second born... So, we planned a party for the day after my doctor's appointment. Again, I was SURE he wouldn't be able to determine the gender, but again, I was wrong. I was 15 weeks on Wednesday when we went to see Dr. Brody, and I was SO thankful that we got a good report all around. I had gained a few pounds, baby was right on track, everything looked perfect! We even saw his tiny fingers (joints and all) waving around. I'm so thankful for an ultrasound at every visit for lots of reasons, but a big one is just because of the reminder it is that this is a MIRACLE living inside of me! Dr. B had us close our eyes when he looked for the boy parts, and he said he was 99% certain of the gender (David recalls that he was only 98% with Crawford). We took that as a good sign and moved ahead with our party!

We knew it would be hard to do the party at our house this time because, well, our friends have a lot of kids. There were more than 40 people that showed up to love on us and be excited with us for our new addition. I am still overwhelmed by that. Want to feel loved? Throw yourself a party!

My sister and Heather helped a ton (Ash loaned me lots of stuff, came over during lunch to help and came early to set up!). We didn't do anything fancy, just pizza, fruit, salad and cookies (pink and blue ones). Everyone wore pink or blue to show what they thought it was. I only wore pink because I had these cute pants that won't fit for much longer :). After the ultrasound, David and I both thought it was a boy (how else could he have been able to tell??), but I really vacillated back and forth a good deal. We all ate and hung out, then decided to do this thing! We revealed the gender and the name with a pennant banner I had made.

sorry for the way off-centered video... makes me sad! I set the camera up on the tripod though, so it's totally my fault :(

I was sort of surprised, but really it sort of felt like an out of body experience. I knew it would take a few days of letting it sink in that we'll have TWO BOYS. Wow. I really couldn't be more excited to be outnumbered in a house full of boys! I've always said I'd love to be a boy mom, and I feel so blessed that the Lord is entrusting me with these two.

The baby's name is Lawson Andrew Geyer. Yes, we will call him Lawson. It's a name we have both always loved, and it happens to be the name of our street (the first/only street we've lived on as a family) :). Andrew is my dad's name and my brother's middle name, and we are so pleased to honor both of them with this baby's name.

Again, we are overwhelmed by God's goodness to us in giving us this sweet gift and by the love and support we feel from our family and friends. This Matt Redman song is the echo of my heart:

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger
Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

Thank you, Jesus!

Lots of pictures HERE.

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