Wednesday, March 27, 2013

update on C

No way am I going to keep up with a monthly post about Crawford, but he does have a lot going on in his little life these days that I want to remember:

  • He has 5 new teeth coming in. That's right, FIVE. Nightmare city. The fourth bottom one was first to breath through, then his lateral incisors on the top. So, yeah, he looks like a vampire. The middle two on the top are taking FOR.EV.ER. He has only been up in the middle of the night once, and though that was brutal, I can't complain since he's generally been sleeping really well through all of this. There are definitely days when he is so sad, and I can tell it's because he's in pain and that is really not cool. Those days he gets medicine :)
  • He can't decide about going to one nap. Last weekend I had almost certainly decided he was ready for 1 nap a day. I was dreading it, but I bit the bullet and went with it. Sunday he took one nap and it was fine. Monday through Friday? And ever since? Two perfectly normal (9:30-11ish and 2-4ish) naps every day. Just as soon as I think I know something he throws me a curve ball. Though this time, I'm super thankful! I need those two nap times!

  • He is obsessed with his lovies, walking up the stairs, throwing balls, the flag on the front of our house, saying "gaghie" (which sometimes means doggie or daddy) and "light", turning on and off the light switches, and Harley (still). 

  • He is very testy. When he is happy, he is ALL smiles and giggles, but some days he just wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing seems to go his way. I leave the room, he cries. He finishes his banana (current obsession), he cries. I try to get him to drink milk, he cries (I'm giving up on that, by the way). A toy rolls under the couch... you get the picture. 

  • He is considering the possibility of walking. He's started standing without holding on to anything more regularly, and today (3/25) he took a step two times! I know it isn't much, but I think he'll make more progress once he starts to gain some confidence. I'm glad I had low expectations for him to be walking, because it definitely is slow going for this guy.
He really is a joy! This season is challenging me in new ways (what do I do to find new ways to entertain/teach/occupy him? how can I make sure he's eating all the things he ought to? WHY won't he stop pulling on that lamp?! will it ever warm up so we can go outside? what fun things can we do outside other than swing or go for a walk? will I ever pee in solitude again? etc.), but I love that at the day's end, I have all kinds of funny stories and sweet memories that I know I'll cherish forever (as long as I write them down somewhere so I'll remember them...).

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