Tuesday, May 31, 2011

where even a grown up can be a kid

For the long weekend, David and I headed up to Ohio to help celebrate Brianna's birthday, and to just hang out with the fam. It had been far too long.

Our Saturday started off with a lovely breakfast with the Pechan family, who we just adore. I hate that we didn't take any pictures because we had a lovely time catching up. Hannah is getting ready to move to Colorado to start her MBA, and we are looking forward to finding a time to go visit!

After breakfast, the party literally got started. Brianna chose Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday party location, and boy was David excited! He was determined to break some records, and he achieved his goal on every (adult-ish) game but skee ball. Quite an accomplishment! Ha! We had a great time with the Johnsons, Geyers and Brianna's cute little friends. I can't believe she is 6.

the birthday girl, David's brother Mike and his son Matthias

 she's started calling me "Emmy" and I LOVE it, the cute Johnson family- see the babies??


pizza, Uncle David and the main man- Chuck E. Cheese


 mid-party headache, super cute little girl

She got to take a turn in the wind tunnel thing to try and collect extra tickets. It was SO cute!

siblings. love them!

Brianna and her twin siblings will be the same distance apart in age as Beth and David, and I think that is so fun. They are close enough that they love each other, but not so close that they ever really fought (I mean, they fought, but nothing like me and my 2-year-and-a-day-a-part sister :) ). The Lord knows what he's doing when he plans our families, huh?!

The rest of our Memorial Day weekend in Ohio is to be continued...


cathy said...

Thanks Em for the great pics! I hated to miss all the fun!

Rebecca Cash said...

Aw man, when I knew you were up in Oxford, I was really hoping for some cute videos of Brianna on your blog after :) The pictures are great though! I miss you...I wish you were here in Nashville, I would love a lunch with you! <3