Thursday, May 26, 2011

40 miles in 7 hours

Last weekend, after reveling the excitement of baby Ella's birth, I jumped in the car and headed south. Several of my college girlfriends had planned a weekend getaway to the Orange Beach area, and I was so excited to catch up with them and lounge on the beach. I knew it was going to be a super short trip, but it was going to be worth it to spend time in the car with some of my besties.

So, I met Kara at her apartment, we fearlessly braved downtown Birmingham and picked Jen up from the Greyhound station (yes, Greyhound station), and we were off!

Fast forward lots of hours: we were parked on 65 south about 40 miles south of Birmingham. We later learned (when the mood shifted from slap happy to stir crazy) that a gas truck of some sort had flipped on 65, and the cleanup was literally taking all day. We got off on the first exit possible, which was unfortunately not soon enough. In the end, we spent seven hours driving to and from Kara's house in Birmingham. We ended up spending the night there, and Kara and Jen made it to the beach Saturday morning. I decided not to spend three straight days in the car for a few hours at the beach with the girls, which was an excruciating decision to make... but the right one for sure.

The plus side? Seven uninterrupted hours in the car with these two:
passing the time by steering with heads, feet

I had an amazing college experience, and I made some wonderful friends. Kara and Jen are two of these girls, and I love, love, love both of them.

So, it wasn't all for naught :)

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