Friday, May 27, 2011

lots of fun with baby Ella

Since my weekend plans were out the window, I had time to hang out with David and continue celebrating baby Ella! We visited with them in the hospital Saturday (David hung out with them most of the night on Friday too), and we wanted to do something special to welcome them home on Sunday. Inspired by this post and tutorial, we made a balloon banner (but a much, much smaller one).

My cute husband was super into it, and we had a lot of fun working together! It makes me excited to think that one day we'll be planning our (future) kids' birthday parties, and D will be so great at that!

Later Sunday night, we brought a cake and hung out with Jodi's parents who were visiting from Michigan.

I've been loving taking pictures of Ella. I'm still learning my way around my camera, especially when a flash in a newborn's face isn't much of an option, and I occasionally get a picture I'm happy with (out of hundreds). I'm shooting mostly with my 50mm, which adds another element to the learning curve!

This picture had us rolling on the floor laughing. It was just a random face she made, and I happened to have the camera ready to capture it. Hilarious!
lots more pictures here


Aileen said...

I love these pictures! You & David are such sweet friends to this family. You both will be incredible parents!, I know you'll have super cute kids :)

Anna said...

Aw I LOVE it!!! I can't wait to get me some Elle-snuggles!!!! :)

PSIrwin said...

love the pictures. you've done a great job with them! sweet balloon banner - what a neat way to be welcomed home.
glad everyone is home and resting now...see you guys next week!