Wednesday, March 9, 2011

out of things to say

I don't know what's up, but I'm constantly drawing a blank on things to write about on the ole blog. I guess it's not a bad thing because life is pretty steady these days, and that's how I like it. I'm pretty much living weekend to weekend as I trudge my way through week days, which somehow end up being incredibly busy.

It's interesting how our (mine and David's) schedules have kind of flip-flopped through our marriage. While he was in grad school, I was home a LOT. Fortunately, I have hobbies (sewing, reading, crafts, running) that can keep me occupied pretty well without having to resort to much tv watching. Since D finished school, I've gotten involved in all kinds of things (Junior League, helping Lynn with Worth, selling Initials, Inc., book club, small groups, etc.) and David is left at home a lot of the time. He took last "semester" (even when you aren't in school, our year still operates on semesters for some reason) off to just relax and lay low. Obviously he was working like a mad man, so there isn't really much rest for the weary. However, he has successfully passed both parts of his real estate test, and he is spending a lot of time on house stuff now. Our house is still for sale (here, here and here-- we'll pay a finders fee!) and we're in the process of securing a contract on our Birmingham house too.

We've stayed pretty active on the weekends too (my poor husband doesn't have much of an option... I canNOT sit still), but at our own pace. We have made a concerted effort for 2011 to be more low-key than 2010 was. We're doing less going-out-of-town and more staying-home-and-enjoying-ourselves (well, minus Hawaii and New Orleans... and I'm headed to Kansas in a few weeks). We've almost done this to a fault because we haven't been to Birmingham yet to see my sister and her new digs! That is a top priority in the near future though...

This year is about uncertainty for us (lots of irons in our fires), and that is so good for refining our faith. God is sanctifying us through our reliance on Him and our relationship with each other, and it is such a blessing. I've really been overwelmed* lately with the reminder of how much God loves me, even through the ways he challenges and teaches me things.

*"I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?" ... favorite movie! 10 Things I Hate About You

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