Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Daylight Savings

I am typically surprised when Daylight Savings happens upon us, and this year was no different. However, this was the best daylight savings ever (dramatic, much?)! Our church started a Saturday night service two weeks ago, and we were excited to try it out this weekend. Well, it was awesome. Lots of reasons:
  • The Rochas came. I mean, what Saturday evening family outing could be better than church?
  • I was afraid we wouldn't know anyone (our church is big and it feels smaller because we know all the people we sit around at the 9am service), but we were so blessed to be surrounded by friends.
  • After church, we went out for ice cream with the Rochas and Drinkwines. A) It was warm enough to sit outside, B) Sweet Cicis. Holy cow. C) It was our dinner.
  • I slept in on Sunday morning! Sleeping in to us doesn't usually mean much, but with the time change I stayed in bed until 9am! It was fabulous. Plus, we had all morning to spend being productive (which meant "long" runs [6 miles], new tires on the Accord and laundry).
So, in addition to our normal daylight savings routine (change smoke detector batteries, air filters, toothbrushes and loofahs [we're anal]), this change to summer time was a pretty welcome one at the Geyer household!

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