Monday, July 14, 2008

"manic" Monday in its truest sense...

So, today was supposed to be the big day. Even the little countdown application (-->) says so. However, the people building our house beg to disagree. Regardless of the fact that we regularly asked if they thought it would be a few more days, everyone told us we'd be good to move in tonight. Wrong. It really is ok though because we are just postponing everything one day. We can wait one day, right? Right. So, now tomorrow is the big move-in day! We're so thankful for friends who are willing to help and who are flexible :)

Now, the fun stuff! We had such a fabulous time at the Walker wedding on Saturday!! Forrest was so ... Forrest (which was perfect) and Alex was flawless. It was beautiful. Not to mention, we got to see and spend time with lots of fun friends! Blair & David came from Nashville (though were here way too briefly! come back!), the Towns came from Kansas and tons of fellow camp staffers came from their respective locations. It really was great. I can't wait to see all of the pictures from Becca & Keith!!

I finally updated facebook with pictures from the summer... though most of them have already been posted on the blog, there are more from the wedding on here:

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