Monday, July 21, 2008

all about Brianna

So, David's family came into town on Friday! His mom Cathy, sister Beth, brother-in-law Jayme and niece Brianna, drove the 6+ hours and got in late Friday night. Brianna was so tired and wired at the same time and she didn't get to bed until l

Saturday morning was chore time! David and his mom stained the deck, Jayme hung blinds, I put together bar stools and Beth manned Brianna. It was a very productive day and we were so thankful for the extra help!

After we all got cleaned up, we headed out. We went downtown, experienced the electric shuttle, ate dinner at Mellow Mushroom and walked across the walking bridge to Coolidge Park. Brianna had a great time on the carousel and the fountain, and then we got ice cream from Clumpies to top it off!

Unfortunately, though I had good intentions to take lots of pictures (for the blog, of course), I only remembered twice: when we got to Coolidge and when David was watering the plants. Oops. Better luck next time!

Uncle David and Brianna riding the Carousel. This was her second trip because I made the mistake of putting her on a horse that didn't go up and down the first time. I would have been annoyed too!
Playing in the fountain at Coolidge. Look at that belly :).

Helping water the plants. Please note my pink flip flops! ha ha

Though it appears as is Brianna ventured to Chattanooga alone, I do promise the rest of the family came too. I was just negligent in taking pictures of them... Sorry guys! We were so glad they all came and we can't wait to see everyone again the weekend of the wedding!

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