Thursday, July 31, 2008
single digits!
I am so excited for this all to happen! Ashley and Courtney come in on Sunday and they kick off the official start of the wedding week! I'm so thankful to have them in town, especially while I go to work on Monday & Tuesday. Emily Goette and John Morgan are getting married on Saturday and I know it's really going to hit us how close we really are!
Pray for our next 9 days (and on, of course :)) to be stress-free. I really mean that. I want this to be as much fun as humanly possible!
Friday, July 25, 2008
A place to sit
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Recent highlights

*Rain to help our grass grow.
*All of Tuesday. Ashley came. Enough said. However, on top of that- Kristin took a 24 and stayed with us, we had dinner with the Bryants & Wilferths at Amigos, we got a table for our porch (pictures to come, no doubt) Alex WALKER came over and saw our house and hung out with us, we rearranged the living room, stayed up too late and laughed a ton.
*Getting a shower door.
*A minister who is really organized and helps you plan your wedding ceremony since you feel like you don't know what you are doing.
*The fun girls in cabin 12 at CVP.
*Praying with David.
*Knowing that in 16 days I will be Mrs. Geyer!
Monday, July 21, 2008
all about Brianna
Saturday morning was chore time! David and his mom stained the deck, Jayme hung blinds, I put together bar stools and Beth manned Brianna. It was a very productive day and we were so thankful for the extra help!
After we all got cleaned up, we headed out. We went downtown, experienced the electric shuttle, ate dinner at Mellow Mushroom and walked across the walking bridge to Coolidge Park. Brianna had a great time on the carousel and the fountain, and then we got ice cream from Clumpies to top it off!
Unfortunately, though I had good intentions to take lots of pictures (for the blog, of course), I only remembered twice: when we got to Coolidge and when David was watering the plants. Oops. Better luck next time!
Helping water the plants. Please note my pink flip flops! ha ha
Though it appears as is Brianna ventured to Chattanooga alone, I do promise the rest of the family came too. I was just negligent in taking pictures of them... Sorry guys! We were so glad they all came and we can't wait to see everyone again the weekend of the wedding!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We have a home!
Now, for some new pics of the place... remember, work in progress... we moved in yesterday...
Dad, you'll be proud to know that the flag was a priority right away! Does it look too low on the post?
Living room chaos. BUT- notice David's new baby! Thanks to everyone who ever gave him Best Buy gift cards :). They paid off!
Guest room ready for guests! We can't wait for David's family to come tomorrow night!
Other side of the guest room... curtains laying on the floor.
And the office/other extra room. Again, there's still more stuff to do!
I forgot to take a picture of the master, but I'll work on getting some more up later. I'm sorry for people who are tired of seeing pictures of our house! I know our families appreciate the update though :). We wish you all were here (ASH!!!).
Monday, July 14, 2008
"manic" Monday in its truest sense...
Now, the fun stuff! We had such a fabulous time at the Walker wedding on Saturday!! Forrest was so ... Forrest (which was perfect) and Alex was flawless. It was beautiful. Not to mention, we got to see and spend time with lots of fun friends! Blair & David came from Nashville (though were here way too briefly! come back!), the Towns came from Kansas and tons of fellow camp staffers came from their respective locations. It really was great. I can't wait to see all of the pictures from Becca & Keith!!
I finally updated facebook with pictures from the summer... though most of them have already been posted on the blog, there are more from the wedding on here:
Friday, July 11, 2008
house update
David standing in our refrigerator hole. To the left is the pantry closet and to the right is the desk.
And here's the desk again. Man, my blog is so boring... sorry, guys!
Vanity in the guest bathroom... COME VISIT!!
And... garage doors!! woo hoo!
Ok, so enough with the house... Though, we do close on MONDAY and there is still a lot of stuff to be done (landscaping, hanging some fixtures, all of the granite and other counter tops, shelving, carpet, toilets and sinks... see, alot). We've been reassured that it will all happen, it just might be last minute. That's totally fine with us, as long as it's ready to go at 3:30 on Monday afternoon!
So, tomorrow is FORREST & ALEX's WEDDING!! Woo hoo! It's finally here and we're so excited! We're pumped to see a lot of camp friends, and you can count on there being lots of pictures from that event up here next week!
Sunday David is going to Birmingham and taking Jason Lawhorn and John Bryant to help him move the stuff out of my house there. I'll be here with Mary Shelton (and anyone else who wants to help :)) packing a couple of cars full of stuff from the storage unit. If you want to volunteer yourself or your car, just let me know :)
Big stuff ahead! We're so blessed.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Why can't every weekend be 3 days??

The 4th of July was an equally fabulous day. We joined the Jenkins' brood for the annual Signal Mountain parade, and it was awesome. Laney and Ellie were IN the parade and they were rock stars! Afterwards, we went out to the Jenkins' (Mark's parents) house on the lake in Soddy. Though the jet ski only ran about 1.375 mph, it was awesome! We played with the kids, met the whole fam and went on a sweet boat ride around the lake. It was SO great of them to include us in their family festivities (Sorry I don't have any pictures... Shelby does though).
That night, David and I watched the fireworks from the Signal Mountain Country Club. It was SO fun! Sarah was supposed to join us, but got sick again :(. We missed you!
We had an awesome treat on Saturday because my parents came into town! David and I spent the morning with some friends and then met up w/ my 'rents for a few hours. It was really good to see them- especially since it was the last time we'll see them until the week of the wedding! Ah! Plus, we had a cool opportunity just to talk. And eat at Sticky Fingers. Good times were had by all.
Sunday started with us taking advantage of two things: 1. we are new to this city, so we can pretend to be tourists every now and then and 2. David got free passes to the Incline Railway. So, since David had never been, we rode the Incline Railway! It was really cool! I don't really remember doing this, since I haven't been since a family vaca when I was probably 12, so it was fun for both of us. He also got passes to Ruby Falls and Rock City, so we're looking forward to more tourist outings in the near future!
Last night, I joined the club and had a migraine. (I even threw up, Pukey.) It was miserable. But, David loves me so much and he took such good care of me. Plus, it helped that I live with a doc and a fellow migraine sufferer. What am I going to do when this communal living ends?! But seriously, it was horrible, but I'm over it. It was probably induced by my sunbathing and no food combo for the day (PS- Becca, we totally went to your pool yesterday! It was incredible!). Now I know!!
And now... I'm back at work. David is back at work. And Ashley & Courtney are on their way to Uncle Powell's. Boo work!!