Thursday, November 14, 2013

outings lately

By about 9:30 every morning we need to be heading somewhere. Or have someone coming to us. Or be able to play outside or have a special activity. Crawford gets restless like whoa, and I can't say I blame him. Thus, we do a lot every week. We try to plan play dates or outings for every single day, and though it is hard for me in this season with a newborn, it is worth it and will get easier (that's what I chant to myself the whole time we're out at least).

We go to the aquarium almost every week, play at parks (well we did until it got cold… boo), go the to gymnastic center on Fridays (when they have free open gym for preschoolers), and meet friends wherever they are going. We've also gone to the zoo, a UTC basketball game, the train table and playground at Hamilton Place and Northgate and walking on campus at UTC. Of course we have play group on Thursdays and MOPS every other Monday. The goal is FREE outings, and we do a pretty good job sticking to that. The zoo is half price the first Wednesday of the month so I'm only concerned about getting $4.50 worth of fun. I pay the meter to park at the aquarium, and we are milking our membership for all it is worth (which is a lot). All we're asking for for Christmas (from family) for the boys are memberships. I want to be out and about because I know how much happier we all are when we get out of the house. Crawford is challenging when we go out. He just wants to run away from me. And he's fast. I thought I would wear Lawson all the time, but I really can't wear him and bend down/chase/carry Crawford a lot. We broke down and got a double stroller, and I LOVE it. I just want to enjoy this season with these precious boys, and I think we're making lots of fun memories along the way.

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