Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Halloween festivities

The week before Halloween our play group kiddos donned their costumes for a morning. Really, we just dressed them up to take this picture, and it was mayhem.

My little football.

David was really excited about carving pumpkins with Crawford this year. He bought four, which I thought was a tad ambitious… Though these pictures seem to depict otherwise, Crawford wasn't very interested. He definitely didn't want to touch the inside, and he was only mildly curious about what David was doing. Maybe next year!

The church in our neighborhood did a "Trunk or Treat" the Sunday before Halloween, and it was a good little outing for us. Crawford practiced using his manners by saying "please" and "thank you" to the people at each car, and he savored every bite of the (one) piece of candy he got to eat. 

 For the second year, we went to Laine and Jared's house to "trick or treat". We made it down one street and went to a dozen or so houses. Crawford just walked to the door, said "please" and tried to walk in every person's house. Especially if their tv was on. He mostly liked getting to walk in the street and not ride in the stroller.

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