Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lawson at {2 weeks}

Lawson, at two weeks old you:

  • are home! That's really all we care about :)
  • nurse on demand, but it's about every three hours. Sometimes you only want to nurse on one side then an hour and a half want the other side. I can handle that during the day, but let's not get into that habit during the night, k?
  • have won over your big brother. Crawford really does love "Wasson". You are the first thing he talks about when he wakes up, and he loves to give you kisses. He thinks it is funny when you cry or when you are in your car seat next to him in the van.
  • weigh 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Above your birth weight!
  • are doing great at night. Daddy and I have a good system: we put Crawford to bed around 8, and I go to sleep for a few hours while he gets Lawson time. Around 11pm, I feed you and all three of us go to bed. You get up once (between 2-4), eat and sleep until morning (7-8). You're the bomb.
  • have a dimple on your chin- like Babu!
  • are a poop machine. And you won't eat if you have a dirty diaper. 
  • like to sleep on your belly, but obviously we only do that for supervised nap times.
  • have super greasy hair and lots of it.
  • can't decide if you like the Rock and Play or not. Usually you spend some of each night in it, and some time in the pack and play. We need to commit to one or the other though because our room isn't big enough for both!
  • think you like the pacifier. I'm trying to make you :)
  • are overall the snuggliest, sweetest, most laid back babe. We think we're going to keep you!

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