Monday, August 12, 2013

Lambaby shower

This weekend David, Crawford and I loaded up and headed to Birmingham for a quick overnight visit. The official occasion was to throw a baby shower for my sweet friend Jamie, but it was a perfect excuse for a mini Currie Way reunion. The last time I was with this group of girls all together was at Jamie's wedding almost exactly two years ago. 

AND, since we were together last (for Kara's baby shower!), Kara has had baby Benjamin! We stayed at the Hamilton's house so we had some good quality time with Kara, Ryan and Benji. Since college, I have had the best bonding-time with my friends because of our pregnancies and babies (Brit first, then Kara, now Jamie). I am so thankful the Lord has blessed us with this sweet sweet time to share together. 

Kristen and then-boyfriend Jim. He proposed THAT NIGHT!! The last Currie Way girl is paired off and planning her wedding. We're so excited! Picture on the right is because Benjamin was pooping in Kris's hand. Awesome.

Precious Benjamin (aka... Mr. Magoo?)

Aunt Mary Allison 

These pics are ridiculous and awesome. This was the first time we were all together - and with our baby boys! It was past bedtime for 2/3 of the boys... Good times.

Sweet Brit had Callan just weeks after I had Crawford, and we spent lots of late nights texting back and forth about nursing and all things new baby. It was so fun to be together, though far too brief!

6/7 of Currie Way. Just missing Abby (who also has a baby boy!)
(I look like a HOUSE. the end.)

Love this one! So thankful for my Jane, and her little baby due 11/12/13!

The parents. Love them!

1 comment:

Aileen said...

These photos are so great! It's always the best getting to be with Samford friends. How crazy that you ALL have boys!