Saturday, September 15, 2012

[seven months]

One month:
Height- 20in,  Weight- 8 lbs. 9 oz.

Two months:
Height- 23in, Weight- 11 lbs.

Three months:
Height- 23.5ish in., Weight- 12 lbs.

Four months:
Height- 24 1/4 in. (25%), Weight- 12 lbs. 11 oz. (10%)

Five months:
Height- 25 in., Weight- 13 lbs. 10 oz.

Six months:

Height- 26 3/4 in. (64%), Weight- 15 lbs. 11 oz.  (19%)

Seven months:
Height- 27+ in.?
Weight- 16 lbs. 11 oz.  

Crawford, at seven months old you....

  • make a few new sounds (g and w) and are still super chatty. You're definitely exploring all the different noises you can make and it is so adorable. 
  • go to PlayGym at the Creative Discovery Museum once a week. Unfortunately, it is in the middle of your morning nap so it has taken a few weeks of figuring out how to make it so you aren't fussy the whole time. But you do love being there, and it's so fun to watch you learn and enjoy new things. You love the parachute and the bubbles the most. 
  • think it's funny to put things in your mouth and let go of them so they hang (see green bean pictures below). 
  • eat all kinds of food- broccoli, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, zucchini, prunes, yogurt (that you mostly feed to yourself on a spoon), and a new one from today is tortillas (Mojo! $1 taco day!).
  • have had some poo issues as a result of the aforementioned food. You've been going 3-4 days without pooping (totally opposite from your previous poop-in-every-diaper routine), and at the end of that poop-strike is the NASTIEST diaper I have ever changed. Holy Toledo. And, now it stinks. And your farts stink (Daddy is so proud). 
  • are the least flexible baby ever. Aren't babies supposed to be able to put their feet in their mouths?? You definitely can't do that.
  • still have no interest in crawling. You are totally content to sit still and play with the toys within your reach. That makes my life easy :)
  • are a flirt! Seriously. You cock your head to the side and give the sliest little grin (this happened for the first time with Camille). 
  • love Harley. He has started showing some more interest in you too, which is fun. He likes to sit on your blanket with you on the floor while he plays with his toy and you play with yours. A few times he has brought his toy to you! You think it is hilarious when he gets close by. 
  • don't like certain people. Uncle Jayme is the first person to get this response from you, and you thought he was terrifying.
  • grab my necklace, nose, hair... whatever you can get your hands on. You love Daddy's watch and my rings, and you especially love this necklace that Uncle GG just gave me for my birthday. You're even gentle with it sometimes and just like to hold it in your hands and look at it.
  • remember things! There is a nightlight behind the chair in your room that comes on when the room is dark. At night and in the morning when you are finished nursing you nearly jump out of the chair to see that light, and during the day when it isn't even on you do the same thing. It's so cool to me that you remember is it there even if you can't see it. It makes me consider what other things you can remember.
  • love watching cars drive by. We often sit on the front porch and you are content to just look around and wait for a car! In general you love to be outside (especially on your swing). 
  • think it is really funny to sit on daddy's belly when he is trying to make you laugh. It almost always works. He definitely gets the most smiles and laughs out of you.
  • are mesmerized by my singing. Well, sort of. I sign the Doxology to you every night while I'm feeding you before bed, and you always stop nursing, break out a huge smile and just stare at me.  I can just say "Praise God" and you are totally entranced. It is the best part of my day.

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